Thursday, 6 March 2014

Post #1

Tips and Tricks for Reducing Energy Use

By Lexie, Kelly, and Matthew

Hi, we are a grade 5 class from Saskatoon, Canada.  Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing energy-saving tips to help fight pollution, climate change and your electricity and natural gas bills.  By making energy-efficient choices you can save energy and money every day and it’s not that hard.  We've been working on a Shell and Canadian Geographic program called the Classroom Energy Diet Challenge and Saskatchewan Environmental Society and SaskPower Program called 25Acts of Energy Conservation Campaign.  We are taking on 25 challenges to reduce our carbon footprint and bring awareness to energy issues.  You can learn more about these programs by clicking on the above links. 
We hope you enjoy our postings.

Please consider signing our online pledge to reduce energy consumption.  Go to the below link to sign the pledge.  Be sure to click on the confirmation link that you receive in your email or the pledge will not go through.  Please share this with other family and friends.  Thank you for helping us out. 


  1. Yes, it is Elly but we can all work to reduce pollution in our world. It starts with little things like walking to school instead of getting a ride.
